Sunday, December 17, 2006

Nothing matters

Nothing matters - all technology investments are made in vain, if the enduser does not take up a new service. In some cases there can be a godsend fashion that makes it happen and then the challenge is to find a relevant way to build on the new user habit. But in most cases it has to build on something the user already is doing - becoming a part of their everyday life - like Google or e-banking. The best description of this I found in Oskar Korkman's blog

1. People are foremost practitioners of their everyday lives
2. People want to maintain structures, and habits, and see many times technology and services as disruptive
3. People also innovate their everyday life, and find it valuable to create new forms of living
4. Companies can support their customers everyday life, but are not in most cases centralized, and important
5. Companies take the everyday life of people as the starting point for their business, and aim to “normalize” themselves to fit into it.
6. Current market logic is not adapted to serve the economy of everyday life.
7. A market logic that takes practice of everyday life as the unit of analysis, and object for activities is needed.
8. The economy of everyday life can be the basis for voluminous, stable and faster income, but also for more well-being and democracy. "

Then it is only up to progressive and agile enterprises and public sectors to hook up - provide economy of repetition, benefit from economy of re-use, get a free ride from economy of scope in the selling process and economy of scale in processing etc. No time to loose and no space for solutions not connecting to the customer's contect.

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Today's Quote
Plodding wins the race.