Thursday, September 18, 2008

Kesko showing the way..

Kesko - a gigantic force in most sectors of Finnish retail - has decided to stop accepting in-country paper invoices. The final deadline is autumn 09. The list of enterprises and municipalities having made the same progressive decision include Nordea Bank, CIty of Tampere, Lindstrom and TietoEnator. Many more will join in the near future as we are realizing that this is:

1. a natural right for buyers (to save costs massively)

2. the only way to make the transition happen fast - change resistance slows down also the obviously beneficial

3. an obligation towards the environment

4. an obligation towards the Finnish state sector declaring a 100% e-invoicetarget at the end of 2009

So it is both a right and a responsibility. Kesko made it. When will you?

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Today's Quote
Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.
William Butler Yeats