Thursday, November 25, 2010

A quarter of a million pageviews..

I just got a message from Finextra stating that the 1/4 million milestone has been passed (in two years). I am very grateful to all who have taken the trouble to view posts and to Finextra for bringing us together.

My mission is to further development in the networked economy - contribute to new concepts, standards, collaboration, competition, transparent pricing etc - Good for Society at large.

As the markets are globalizing we have to take the global view (ISO20022 e-invoicing standard is one example) and swiftly implement on a European scale - drive corporate competitiveness, lower tax burdens, lower CO2, better jobs AND at the same time the Single Market (500m strong).

Much was done by the EC Expert Group on e-Invoicing (which I had the honor to chair) - very much is in place - VAT-harmonization, ISO20022 and first version of rulebook = few excuses left) and the roadmap forward is very clear.  Now we have to get very concrete - ie get going in real terms and keep moving.

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