Tuesday, May 08, 2012

e-Invoicing - bank sector in Finland 2011


- banks have tremendous selling power - over 200 000 enterprises signed up - about 87% of active enterprises

- excellent and improving volume growth (even if Norway and Sweden are ahead in the consumer sector - as invoice senders are not discouraged to charge visibly for having to send paper there)

- on EU-level this would mean some 1,8 billion e-invoices - still a lot of room for growth

- b2b will grow even faster now as the state sector is applying "return to sender" for paper or emailed invoices (the idea is NOT to save stamps - but to enable process automation by using structured data and common standards

The biggest impact has been that banks – when moving in – electrified the market. Much more efforts and innovations from traditional service providers.

1 comment:

Hari Kishan said...

Nice Blog I found for Invoicing.. Keep Posting!
e Invoicing
