Sunday, September 10, 2006

Asia-Europe Business Forum - real time reflections.

Sitting at the 10th Asia-Europe Business Forum in Helsinki listening to opening adresses by the president of Finland, Jorma Ollila (chairman of Nokia and Shell) and Mr Fu Chengyu (CEO of CNOOC). Main point - much shared by the audience is that protectionism is not an answer to social responsibility - rather a well proven recipy for disaster. When will politicians in Europe start to behave like statesmen on a wider scale? Today it is more an exception than a rule - and the press is far too often driving shortsighted populist views and too seldom coming with searching questions.

As trade growth is of mutual interest it is of course essential that it is made easier - this will happen by as a first step integrating private and corporate mass market invoicing with payment systems and e-banking. As 93% of all enterprises are micro and 6% small (less than 50 employees) it is obvious that only solutions which can be implemented without investements and software installations will make fast process - this is where corporate e-banking services can make it happen.

My own presentation is entitled: Two Parallel Paths towards a Global Real Time Economy - will enclose it later.

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